Pivot Irrigation Anchors

In spring 2013, Canterbury was hit with gale force winds that reached speeds of over 160km/h, right when farmers and growers needed their irrigators most. The impact on irrigators and production was unprecedented, with FMG alone receiving over 260 irrigator claims. Damage to irrigators can cause a variety of problems which can be ongoing and affect production in subsequent seasons.

Weather storms are not new to the world and neither are we. The Pile Master Ltd are the only certified installer in New Zealand for CHANCE® anchors. Let us lock down your wind prone pivots with our proven anchoring system, and help reduce the potentially damaging effects that high winds can have.


photo pivot anchors


We have built up great relationships with some of the biggest irrigation companies in the South Island.
The following companies currently endorsing our anchoring systems are:

Water Force

Irrigation New Zealand


Rainer Irrigation

Ray Mayne

Plains Irrigators

The Pile Master